[MacDV] dias and idvd

Ferdinand Fuchs indy27 at mac.com
Tue Aug 9 03:40:38 PDT 2005

hello gerhard,

thanks for you information!

but I thought, 120dpi is sufficient for a normal 1:1 paper scan but  
for dias/film I need a much higher resolution?


Am 09.08.2005 um 12:20 schrieb Gerhard:

> DVD has a resolution of 720 x 480 so if you had 6 x 4 pictures you  
> would need to scan at 120 DPI.  From what I have read the maximum  
> information that a good quality photo print contains is less than  
> 600 DPI, actually the scan quality drops as you increase the DPI  
> value past this point as you start scanning the texture and  
> imperfections of the paper.  If you want to preserve the prints in  
> a digital form as well as on a DVD I would recommend to scan at 600  
> DPI if all you want to do is make this DVD and show these photos  
> any information above 120 DPI will be lost so you would only be  
> creating file bloat.  If you want to crop any of the pictures or  
> apply the Ken Burns effect you will also need to scan at a higher  
> resolution.
> Good luck with your project, it will be time consuming but it can  
> also be very satisfying work.
> Gerhard
> P.S. My figures assume that the scans would be used in a NTSC  
> project, if you are creating a PAL project you will need to adjust  
> the calculations according to those dimensions which I don't know  
> off the top of my head but I believe the vertical resolution is  
> higher.
> On Aug 9, 2005, at 3:28 AM, Ferdinand Fuchs wrote:
>> hello,
>> a friend of mine would like to scan his old dias, so he can use  
>> them in idvd. therefore he asked me, if I can recommend him a  
>> scanner. I like canon-scanners and so I recommended him the  
>> cansoscan 5200f or the canoscan 8400f. but I'm not sure, which  
>> resolution I need to get good photos for idvd. canoscan 5200f has  
>> 2.400x4.800 and canoscan 8400f has 3200x6400
>> so I would like to ask, if somebody has experiences with this  
>> topic and could share with me - thanks!
>> ferdinand
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        /\.-./\                      Ferdinand Fuchs
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