[MacDV] Making changes to a VIDEO_TS

Nick Scalise nickscalise at cox.net
Thu Dec 29 17:30:28 PST 2005

>>> On 12/8/05 12:49 PM, "Nick Scalise" <nickscalise at cox.net> wrote:
>>>> From: whoisquilty <whoisquilty at gmail.com>
>>>> I've got a couple of DVDs that were homemade by another person  
>>>> but I'd
>>>> like to modify them. They are extremely complicated with
>>>> feature-specific chapters, subtitles, and stories. But, I'd like to
>>>> remove some of the features and add others, going from a single- 
>>>> layer
>>>> to a dual-layer disc.
>>>> Is there a way to do this? If it would be easier to rip the  
>>>> material I
>>>> want to use from the disc, are there utilities for ripping chapters
>>>> and stories?
>>> Three separate utilities for ripping. You will have to experiment  
>>> for which
>>> you like best.
>>> MacTheRipper (free, but disliked by Macrovision, Inc.)
>>> <http://www.losprimates.net/mtr/>
>>> MPEG StreamClip (Free but requires Apple's MPEG2 Component, $20)
>>> <http://www.alfanet.it/squared5/mpegstreamclip.html>
>>> <http://www.apple.com/quicktime/mpeg2/>
>>> HandBrake (Free, but only rips to MP4 or AVI)
>>> <http://handbrake.m0k.org/>
>>> I don't know how well any handle subtitles, or any of the other  
>>> features. May
>>> be impossible without original source files.
>>> http://www.videohelp.com/ may have more insight.
>> From: Colt Freeman <cfreeman at liberty.edu>
>> Handbrake rips subtitles and up to two different audio streams.

On Dec 29, 2005, at 6:48 PM, <illovox at comcast.net>  
<illovox at comcast.net> wrote:

> URL?


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Nick Scalise
nickscalise at cox.net

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