[MacDV]HDV 16:9 vs 4:3

Steve Robertson stever at mindspring.com
Mon Feb 14 06:02:57 PST 2005

On Sunday, February 13, 2005, at 05:52  PM, Granville Kennedy wrote:
> So if SD MPEG-2 means standard definition, then neither app actually
> supports HD DVD creation.  That leaves the question of Toast's
> abilities open for the moment... but it also seems to support both
> MPEG-1 and -2.  I'm not even sure there is a HD spec for use on a DVD -
> it may have to wait for the new DVD formats to be resolved.

 From some magazine articles, I have read that the only way to make HDV 
available to viewers (other than playing it from your HDV camcorder) is 
to use (Gasp!) Windows Media 9. There is at least one company offering 
a DVD creation program that organizes these Windows Media HDV clips 
with an HTML-like interface that will play on an HDTV.

It seems to me that short HDV movies in the Windows media format could 
be burned to a standard DVD with no interface, but that would play only 
on a computer - not on a TV.

Steve R.

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