[MacDV] Converting sound files to Mp3

KS ksay11081 at mac.com
Mon Feb 21 07:19:23 PST 2005

I've been given 6 audio CDs with 7 hours of talks on them from a men's 
group workshop.  I need to import the files, edit them down (simple 
edits) and convert them to (7) Mp3 files so I can burn them onto one 

I've tried importing to QT Pro -- editing the files -- and exporting 
them as aif files.  Since QT Pro doesn't offer Mp3 format, I'd like to 
convert them to Mp3 files in iTunes v. 4.7.1 But, iTunes doesn't 
recognize them.  So, I've burned the aif files to CD.  Now iTunes 
recognizes them and will convert the files to Mp3. However, when I try 
to play the Mp3 CD all I hear is digital garbage.  I've even converted 
the individual talks into separate Mp3 files thinking some were 
corrupt, but I still get digital noise.

Do I need some other type of sound editing program?  I thought for 
something this simple, I could rely on QT Pro and iTunes??  Can anyone 
offer a simple solution, please?  I do have a copy of Peak DV 3.0, but 
I've never used it nor have I used any other audio editing software.  
Thanks for any help in advance.


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