[MacDV] O/T

Gerhard Kuhn gerhardk at mac.com
Mon Jan 3 16:52:13 PST 2005

I sent the Test message because I had not received any traffic since 
Dec 20th.  I found out actually my .mac account is not receiving any 
mail and it having been the Holiday Season I never really gave it much 
thought and my two other addresses were still receiving mail so my 
Inbox was still receiving mail from friends and family so nothing 
obvious was wrong.  E-mailed Apple support so hopefully all will be 
right in my part of the universe soon.  One other thing that should 
have drawn my attention to this was that I never received the regular 
shipping notification e-mails from Amazon.ca for purchases I made.

I saw Kunga had a couple of postings in the last couple of weeks, 
welcome back Kunga!!


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