[MacDV] DV Asset Managment, Logging, etc - Workflow Process

Chris S.Newell chris at newellfamily.net
Sat Jan 8 14:41:07 PST 2005


Sorry if this subject has been covered in the past, if so please direct 
me to the archives.

In the perfect world this is what I'm looking for in a piece of 

  - easy to navigate interface that allows me to organize, search, group 
  - assets stored off-line, perhaps dvd.
  - storage of 'sample' video clip of asset on local HD

Here is how I envision my workflow:

  - shoot to dv tape
  - import dv tape to off-line storage. Currently DVD seems most 
feasible.  Assets must be stored in a 'RAW' format easily accessible by 
today's and any future tools developed in the years ahead.
  - software interface allows easy access to assets stored on DVDs.

I'd really like to touch the DV tape only once, afterwards, the assets 
are stored permanently on some off-line medium which is then managed by 
a software front-end.  I don't believe todays hard drives are large 
enough to permanently and safely store all of the assets one might 
collect over the years.  Additionally, I don't won't to go back to the 
master tape.  I'm thinking  that with my kids and all of the footage 
over the years, I'd like to create a compilation of some sort and 
certainly don't want to re-import off of 10 years worth of DV tape.  In 
ten years, if I want to author a 'best of..' for example, I can compile 
the list of assets that are of interest and determine on which DVD the 
assets can be found.

I have looked at FootTracker in the past.  It seems to do most of what 
I want except I'm not sure about the off-line storage and 'sample' 
video clip requirements.  It is mentioned on their website that 
off-line storage is feasible via DVD, however I'd like others who have 
had experience in the area to comment.  Secondly, I don't want to 
'compress' the entire asset as FootTracker seems to do, just a sample 
so that I can quickly determine if the asset is what I want.

Currently I'm using iMovie, iDVD, etc, however have been look at the 
Pro tools, i.e. FC HD, etc.  Not sure if this makes a difference as I'm 
not sure how the 'import' of assets to the permanent storage device, 
DVD, are easily accessible by todays or even tomorrows video tools.

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