[MacDV] Re: Toast/copying DVD-R (Long explanation)

sb videovideo at mac.com
Sun Jan 9 19:27:37 PST 2005

When you select the source drive (Macintosh HD or whatever you've named
yours) you'll see all the files appear in the right side window. If there
are files you don't want to copy, then you select the individual files and
click on the delete button.



On 1/9/05 5:45 PM, "Dorothy Hennings" <hennings at verizon.net> wrote:

> When you use CCCloner, does it have a choice to "select all files" or
> does one have to do this manually some how?
> Thanks, George
> On Sunday, January 9, 2005, at 01:05 PM, sb wrote:
>> (snip)...You launch CCCloner and select all the files, ...

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