On Jul 4, 2005, at 8:01 PM, T.L. Miller wrote: > Recently I shot 115 minutes of a presentation on MiniDV tape and did > minor editing in iMovie HD. I figured burning onto a 2 hr DVD would be > easy -- wrong!!! > > I tried using iDVD, but it wanted me to use Themes and it included > annoying music and all I wanted was a straight-forward copy of the 115 > minutes that would play incommon DVD players. > > I tried using Toast, but it said there wasn't enough space on the DVD. > > I went to Apple Discussions and some suggested ways to defeat all the > fru-fru in iDVD, others suggested that I use Jam in conjunction with > Toast to get the job done, some wanted me to use QT, but all I wanted > was a DVD that anyone could play in a common DVD player. Some said to > "export" out of iMovie, but there was no "export" function that I could > find. Some didn't agree with each other. > > Any other ideas? > > INFO: To turn off music and motion menus just press the green running man button. To get rid of the backdrop, just create a white (or any other color or picture that you like) screen in iMOvie. REnder as a Jpeg. Grab it with your mouse and drag it and drop it into the theme area. There's your plain as water DVD. Embarrassingly simple .