[MacDV] Changing the Subject [NOISE]

Gordon Alley gordon.alley at gmail.com
Fri Jul 15 08:30:41 PDT 2005

Well, with Gmail at least, adding [NOISE] caused your reply to start a
new thread.

Thanks for running the experiment. That settles that question. :-)

Here's another piece of "reply" info. When I use "Reply" in Gmail, it
creates a reply to just the sender of the message being replied to,
but not the list iteself. If I use "Reply to all", it puts the
original sender's address in the "To" box, and the address of the list
in the "CC" box. For this reply, I used the latter, and then deleted
the sender's address in the "To" box, so this reply should go to only
the list (no need for the original sender to get two copies).

On 7/15/05, Brett Conlon <brett_conlon at sonymusic.com.au> wrote:
> Let's try it out then!!! 
> Did it affect your threading? 
> Coj 
> Gordon Alley <gordon.alley at gmail.com> 
> Sent by: macdv-bounces at listserver.themacintoshguy.com 
> 15/07/05 04:46 PM 
> Please respond to Gordon Alley; Please respond to "A place to discuss
> digital video on Macintosh."         
>         To:         
>         cc:        "A place to discuss digital video on Macintosh."
> <macdv at listserver.themacintoshguy.com> 
>         Subject:        Re: [MacDV] Changing the Subject 
> I'm not sure. It may vary from client to client.
>  On 7/14/05, Brett Conlon <brett_conlon at sonymusic.com.au> wrote:
>  >  
>  > Does this apply when we add [TAN] or [NOISE] to it? 
>  >  
>  > Coj

Gordon B. Alley

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