[MacDV] For Macguy re dvd burner question

Patty Winter patty1 at sonic.net
Sat Jul 30 10:15:05 PDT 2005

   >From: olivia block <oliviablock at comcast.net>
   > I was hoping to find an external burner which would also act like a
   >consumer recorder/player, in that you could hook up the camcorder directly
   >to the burner in addition to using it with the computer. 

   > I would also like to be able to record from a VCR.

I bought a Sony HX900 hard disk drive/DVD recorder a few months ago,
and I just love it. I'm about to undertake a massive DVD archiving
project that will involve capturing 90 one-hour TV shows with iMovie
from a VCR, removing the commercials, and then sending the cleaned-up
file out to the Sony to make DVDs. 

(No, I'm not going to be storing all 90 hours on the DVD recorder's 
HDD at once! Not at approx. 9GB per episode. I'll probably do one 
season at a time, then erase those and do the next season.)

Note that in cases where I don't need to edit the files first, I
can either record straight to DVD, or I can record to the HDD and
then use the high-speed dubbing feature to make a DVD. I did that
with a movie the other day, and I think it took about 11 minutes
to make a DVD of a 1:45 movie.


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