[MacDV] Streamclip vs. DVDxDV

Dennis Fazio dfz at mac.com
Thu Jun 2 12:21:41 PDT 2005

--On June 1, 2005 09:33:57 AM -0500 "Mark M. Florida" <markf at squareblue.com> 

> 4. MPEG Streamclip is FREE.  (but you gotta pony up $20 for Apple's
> rock-solid MPEG-2 playback component)

Do I need the Apple MPEG-2 playback component if I want to rip excerpts into 
iMovie? I.e. can Streamclip do anything useful without the Apple piece or is 
it required for all its functionality (which makes Streamclip no longer 
free). It's general capabilities sound pretty good.

Dennis Fazio
dfz at mac.com

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