[MacDV] Scratched DVD - tips?

Gerhard gerhardk at mac.com
Sun Jun 12 07:27:53 PDT 2005

 From what I understand the biggest problem that scratches present  
are the hard edges which cause areas of the DVD to be unreadable.  A  
light abrasive such as toothpaste (the white kind not gel) applied  
from the the center of the disk to the outside disk can make those  
edges less of a problem.  It is important not to buff in a circular  
motion but just from the center to the outside edge.  I have done  
this with a rental disk and it fixed it and have no reason to believe  
it would not work with a -R disk.  This process results in some more  
fine scratches but they do not seem to have an effect on the  
playability of the disk.


On Jun 12, 2005, at 2:15 AM, Timothy Luoma wrote:

> Are there any for-sale products (sprays, equipment, etc) or home- 
> remedies that might work?
> TjL

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