[MacDV] Video formats

Mark M. Florida markf at squareblue.com
Sun Jun 12 09:15:12 PDT 2005

Lene Wangmo wrote:
> Wow, did I screw up a whole lot of art work.  Oh well, bttdb.
> Thanks gazillions, Mark, for taking the time to set me straight.

All your hard work is not lost.  It's close enough that it shouldn't 

But if you want to fix the images, you just need to crop your artwork 
from 720x486 to 720x480 -- the pixel aspect ratios of D1 and DV are the 
same, there are just 6 extra vertical pixels for D1.

I'd make an action in Photoshop that did the cropping for you (remember 
to *crop*, or change the canvas size, rather than resize) and process 
all of your images as a batch -- voila... done in no time.  :-)

- Mark

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