[MacDV] Will 2gb of RAM vs 1gb make much of a difference on G4?

Michael Winter winter at mac.com
Thu Jun 16 07:38:34 PDT 2005

On Jun 15, 2005, at 10:39 PM, Timothy Luoma wrote:

> Anyone have any benchmarks or experience with this?

I would suggest benchmarking it yourself. Do what you normally do  
with Activity Monitor open and System Memory use visible.  
Periodically check in on the total of Wired and Active use, that's  
what counts -that's how much memory you're really using. You can also  
keep an eye on Page ins/outs. If those numbers are increasing a lot,  
that means you're relying on virtual memory and more real RAM would  

If you're normally running with plenty of Free + Inactive memory, and  
your Page ins/outs aren't continuously changing, more RAM isn't going  
to speed anything up.

IIRC there's also a way to have it log memory use over time to a  
file. That may be more helpful since you wouldn't have to monitor  
things yourself.


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