[MacDV] QuickTime 7 and FCP3

Granville Kennedy gskiii at telerama.com
Thu May 5 09:03:58 PDT 2005

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Any idea how upgrading to Tiger & QuickTime 7 will affect us poor 
suckers who still use FCP 3?  If it will work, great.  If it works and 
gives me added features, even better.  Due to factors beyond my 
control, I've never really had the inclination to delve into FCP.  High 
hopes, best laid plans and all that...  So I have all this miniDV tape 
I've shot, more energy and pep (new meds!) and more hopes of getting 
things done.  As far as I can tell, my MDD Dual 867 really won't be 
able to take advantage of the newer versions of FCP anyhow.  I do know 
I need a better video card to take advantage of core video and what-not 
in Tiger.  But the wife is already steamed at my recent HD and memory 
purchases :-)  But she's said the same thing about my upgrades to the 
PM 6100 that she still uses for her pop mail, word-processing and 
solitaire.  And it's on power supply fan number 4.  Guess my motto is 
good things come to those who wait to upgrade...

		Joey Kennedy.

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