[MacDV] Final Cut and LiveType

Granville Kennedy gskiii at telerama.com
Thu May 5 11:15:54 PDT 2005

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Well, in the chaos of life I managed to lose my registration code, and 
another problem is I have a copy bought with an education discount, 
which are not eligible for the upgrade price, see -


Although, when I'm done upgrading the iMac's memory, I'll have an extra 
128MB left over that will find it's way into some teacher's iMac.  I 
may call in the favor and take care not to lose the registration code.  
That might be 2 pieces of software I'll get this year - I'm using FMP7 
to do the 5th Grade yearbook, the PTO board will front for me on that 
purchase, and FCP5 would be sweet.  If I have to upgrade the AGP video 
card to use all the features, well, that's looking more and more like a 
drop in the bucket...  And as a bonus, FCP5 would include a QT Pro key.

BTW - does anyone know what happens to the MPEG-2 playback component I 
bought ages ago?


On May 5, 2005, at 12:37 PM, macminialacool at mac.com wrote:

> Granville,
> Why not just upgrade to Final Cut Pro 5 HD? I have Final Cut Express 
> 1.0.1 and plan to upgrade to Final Cut Express HD. It's worth it 
> especially with LiveType. Now that's actually  useful.
> Chris

Version: PGP 8.0.3


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