On 5-May-05, at 3:04 PM, Spud0812 at aol.com wrote: > In the middle of completing a video for my job, I seem to have > encountered a horrible problem with Imovie Titling....I had to add > a cred roll at end of > video with 300 (!!) names in the "thank yous", it did the title ok, > but since > then, the titling doesnt work anymore in iMovie, (cant update the > credits, or > do any more titling period in any other projects.) Plus when I try > to get > into my Mac to look at memory allocation in iMovie or any other > applications, it > wont even let me look at the memory...doesn't come up for any other > applications. What could be wrong? Do I re-install iMovie? Please > help! > Thanks! > Don't know what went wrong with your system, but ... Have you done a restart? and it still acts the way it does? Have you done the usual Repair Permissions and check you hard disk. You might try and trash iMovie's prefs. As others have pointed out, you could go to FC with LiveType for more robust titles or you could go with RollingCredits. Far easier and Far Far less expensive. http://www.rqs.ca/ Disclaimer: I wrote the software and stand to benefit from any sales related activity. Cheers, David