[MacDV] Titles in Final Cut Express

Brian Olesky brian4 at sbcglobal.net
Mon May 9 15:11:29 PDT 2005

On 5/9/05 2:52 PM, "macminialacool at mac.com" <macminialacool at mac.com> wrote:

> Hey,
> I am using Final Cut Express 1.0.1 and am wondering how to improve
> titles on a wedding vidoe I am working on that I shot with my Canon
> miniDV ZR-30MC. The text usually is jagged and dithered. Anyway to make
> it viewable/render in full quality?
> Chris
Text often looks crummy on screen, then fine in the finished product on DVD.
Have you gotten far enough to know if this is true in your case?


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