One detail I could have mentioned is that I'm using a working ADS drive kit; taking out a working 120 gig putting the new 160 gig. This means that the case is seeing more than 120 gigs, just not the whole amount. I could try putting the drive into another external, although most of my other externals are LaCie's that are difficult to get into. I do have a few ProMax drives, but they're a couple of years old; so I don't know if the age of those other cases would affect whether or not the whole 160 gigs would show up. I might try putting the drive in one of them. The ADS case that I have is a replacement for one that came DOA, but I'd bought it from B&H, and they just shipped me another one. As near as I can tell, it's new, but I'll check the ribbon. One suggestion I got from a co-worker is to run the disk utility that's on the Mac system restore disk. I'll try that and let you know what happens. Neil Poese animal wrote: > A few years ago, we had problems with an ADS hard drive. The printed > instructions for attaching the ribbon cable (red line on ribbon cable > closest to the power supply) were actually backwards. I don't know if > that will help your issue, but attaching it correctly cleared up our > problems. > > Also we recenty purchased a new ADS hard drive which turned out to be > over eight years old and was DOA. After a few phone calls, ADS > replaced it (sending back a broken case though). The older enclosures > (This one had 3 firewire plug ins which ADS said indicated it was an > older one vs the newer ones with 2) will only recognize 120GB drives > and smaller. > > We never use the CD's or drivers that come with external hard drives. > > Lynn > > ................................... > Producer of the upcoming eerie action thriller "Search Dog's Raven" > ( > > ...Any search can turn deadly, as a young woman and her wilderness > search dog are lured down a dangerous trail... > > _______________________________________________ > MacDV mailing list > MacDV at > > > Listmom is trying to clean out his closets! Vintage Mac and random stuff: > >