[MacDV] Recommendations for a video card too

frank fitzpatrick ffitzpatrick at cox.net
Sun May 15 00:51:21 PDT 2005

Some video software won't even run without a high quality card. Check 
out the requirements on Apple's site for Motion, for example. There, I 
think they also name certain cards that are good.
Frank Fitzpatrick

On May 15, 2005, at 3:12 AM, SLarsonIH at aol.com wrote:

> Besides looking for the Analog to Digital converter, I am looking to 
> upgrade
> the video card as well if needed. My MDD has a NVidia GeForce 4MX 
> w/32MB of
> ram in it. Would a different or second video card be advantageous for 
> doing
> video. If so, what is a good card to install? My brother raves about 
> his ATI All
> in Wonder card, but I don't think they made it for Macs. I'm not a 
> gamer, so
> I'm wondering if a second card like what I have would be more 
> important than a
> real hot card. Having two monitors is important, but what does the 
> really fast
> video card give me? Am I wrong about that? In the overall scheme of 
> things,
> what should I really be looking for, for doing video. I have the 
> software, lots
> of hard drive space, plan to max out the ram and get the fastest dual
> processor card available.
> STeve
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