[MacDV] Burning a DVD via a disc image...

Seilo Karl ksay11081 at mac.com
Wed May 18 07:30:21 PDT 2005

How exactly does one create a disk image.  Can you share the steps 
involved, please?

On May 18, 2005, at 9:11 AM, James Asherman wrote:

> On May 18, 2005, at 1:07 AM, Brett Conlon wrote:
>> But if the disc image is nothing more than what is on the DVD then 
>> you can
>> save even more space by not keeping the disc image and re-creating 
>> one off
>> your final burned disc/s if/when you want to burn additional copies.
> Yeah you can. But...
> This way you can make a disc send home a client with it, and when they 
> want more, it only takes 15 minutes instead of the time to copy and 
> re-burn
> and you save your clients a trip.
> J
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