[MacDV] Apple X8 DVD-R

Brett Conlon brett_conlon at sonymusic.com.au
Thu May 19 18:26:22 PDT 2005

Yes, no worries.

It's the same here in Oz. You can only get the faster speed media. I'm not 
sure what they did about price points, whether we're paying the larger, 
smaller or in between price.

You might want to consider alternate media if it's too expensive. A number 
of us have had good success with the TDK DVD-R discs. Others will chim ein 
with their fav's no doubt.  8-)


macminialacool at mac.com


I was looking on the Apple Store (Canada) to purchase more Apple X4 
DVD-R media but I see they no longer carry it. It is now only the X8 
media. Will they work in my X4 Superdrive? Anyone know?


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