Guys!! Search around on the internet. I get new, 60 minute Sony or TDK miniDV tapes for under $4.00 a piece! I just got my Master Quality Panasonic 63-min. MiniDV tapes for $5.10 each from Now that's a deal... (not affiliated in any way with these outfits -- just a happy customer). Kathi On 5/24/05 10:30 PM, "macdv-request at" <macdv-request at> thought it over and wrote: > Brett, > > Doesn't recording over previously recorded miniDV tapes degrade the image over > time? I thought it did and if so a bad idea I think. Here in Canada you can > get 60 minute Fuji miniDV tapes for $7.00 a piece! That's a deal... > > Chris