[MacDV] Recording TV to Mac

Don Hinkle donhinkle at mac.com
Sat May 28 13:23:42 PDT 2005

So, let me ask questions to expose my ignorance:
this is different than a cable tv recorder, that records on a hard disk.
With this, I could connect to my TV/cable and, say, tell it to record 
the Monk rerun at 2 a.m. and it would do it, placing the show on a DVD, 
which I could then share with others or feed into my Mac for editing?
How many shows can it record on its own before I'd have to slide in a 
new DVD?

-donald henry hinkle
"If you believe that feeling bad or worrying long enough will change a 
past or future event, then you are residing on another planet with a 
different reality system." (William James)

On May 28, 2005, at 4:13 PM, James Asherman wrote:

> On May 28, 2005, at 3:46 PM, Don Hinkle wrote:
>> I wish some smart layperson, (David Pogue?) would write a User's 
>> guide on this kind of thing so I'd know exactly what it does and how 
>> to use it... as it is, I don't understand.
>> -donald henry hinkle
> I'm not gonna rewire my whole system for a lark but...
>  with this recorder or a comparable one,
> you can record shows and then feed them into your Mac for editing or 
> compilation.
> You can  make a DVD much faster than iDVD if you don't need the extras.
> And I would bet dollars to donuts that you could tune it to a TV 
> station
> and feed the signal via firewire to iMovie or transcode a VHs VCR with 
> it or any number of arcane and useful setups.
> It is pretty pliable.
> J

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