Hi, I've just upgraded from Jaguar to Panther and I'm trying, variously, to update assorted things but although I've moved over all the Quicktime codecs to the Library/Quicktime folder, I've discovered my MPEG2 files are no longer recognized by QT. I have been able to get it to play under VLC but... It's on QT 6.5.2 Pro, with all same codecs I used before (in fact I updated 2 Divx-related ones) but MPEG2 that I played before suddenly isn't recognized. I am puzzled. I separately installed the QT MPEG2 codec (and there IS a Quicktime MPEG Encoder inside the Library/Quicktime folder which was installed by DVD Studio Pro. It should all be working again. I see the Quicktime MPEG2 package in RECEIPTS, but...? Oh, and if anyone can suggest how to get Pith Helmet to get working under Safari 1.03 that would be great. Thanks.