[MacDV] Fw: Internal Muxer Error - DVDSPro 4

Brett Conlon brett.conlon at SonyDADC.com
Wed Feb 8 18:47:55 PST 2006

No takers???


----- Forwarded by Brett Conlon/HU/AU/SonyDADC on 09/02/06 01:44 PM -----

Brett Conlon/HU/AU/SonyDADC 
08/02/06 02:25 PM

Mac DV

Internal Muxer Error - DVDSPro 4


I'm running DVDSpro 4.02 and am trying to create a final build of a dual 
layer project I'm working on. After finally sorting out a number of 
previous errors I've encountered a new one that I have no idea how to get 
around it. Today is the first time I've received this error. I've made a 
number of builds in the past few weeks and not received it before.

The error, as the subject states, is "Internal Muxer Error". It's at the 
point where it's compiling VTS#5. The log shows that it passes writing the 
VOB file OK but then fails on the Muxing VOB File part.

Any thoughts?


I'm getting so sick of this project now... I just want it on a disc and be 
done with it!

Initially I had terrible problems building the job. It'd run for nearly 24 
hours and then error on the encoding. I then split the single video file 
into 2 parts but got the same error. But at least I had 1 file of 2 
encoded which made the next tests quicker. I eventually ended up splitting 
all the footage up into 30 minute segments, making new AC3 files, placing 
all that into my track and still got the error when building but it was on 
the last segment so encoding for all previous segments had worked. I then 
suspected drive space could be the issue and after carefully removing 
unwanted render files from my Final Cut Pro project the job finally 
built!!! So the "Encoder Error" message was simply that there wasn't 
enough drive space to continue encoding THEN make the build. I wish it was 
SMART ENOUGH to simply tell me that!!!! Coulda saved me a few weeks of 
failed nightly attempts at building. Looking at my ext. FW drive I still 
had 9GB of available space so I thought I was safe... but in my calcs I 
wasn't including the encoding that was required first.

The next error was "Marker position in movie not at GOP Boundary" I tried 
resaving that specific footage (with the offending marker) out of FCPro 
but I'd get the error again from time to time. Funny that when I first 
bring the footage into DVDSPro I could run the build without the error but 
after it had tried to encode and got the Encoding errors, the next time I 
tried to build it'd say the marker was orff again. So for a while I was 
having to delete all the video/audio from the track, remove all markers, 
replace all audio/video then drop all markers back into my stories before 
I could happily try my next build. A workmate suggested that I delete the 
marker in the track and set it back with a DVDSpro marker instead. It 
worked (saving me 5 or more mins of rebuilding) but I may still get the 
message again on next build and I'd also kinda like to know why it was 

Anyway, that's where I'm at now... with the STUPID muxer error? but no 
doubt it's probably STUPID me who did something to cause it....

Thanks for listening!




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