[MacDV] Re: Problems with Compressor

sb videovideo at mac.com
Thu Jun 1 21:29:12 PDT 2006

If you are using iDVD to create DVDs, then you export your finished FCP
movie as either a reference movie, or as a self-contained movie. Do not use
QT conversion or Compressor.
In FCP 4.5, go to File>Export>QuickTime Movie

Open up iDVD, pick your template, and import your exported FCP movie.

Make sure you have enough free space on your boot disk (about 10gb) to
handle the temporary files.



On 6/1/06 7:45 PM, "carlian" <carlian at picknowl.com.au> wrote:

> Up until now I have been using "Export - Using QT Conversion" to move
> my finished projects in FCP HD 4.5 across for burning in either iDVD,
> or Toast 7.
> Yesterday, I felt like taking anothert step up by utilising
> "Compressor" via the Export function in FCP.      I had about one
> hour of finished projects in FCP and it took almost a day for the
> files to be converted to" MPEG-2 60 min.HQ Encode Widescreen" with my
> G4 933 mhz 640 mb SDRAM machine.  (I am waiting for the Intel-Mac
> tower to be released!).  The resultant files were DVD - PCM Audio and
> MPEG 2 .   Several issues arose, namely:-
> 1. The resultant file formats will not be accepted by iDVD
> 2. Although the finished projects in FCP were completely synched re
> audio and video, the longer a converted clip runs the more out-of-
> synch the audio and
>      video become.
> 3. The converted files were accepted by Toast 7 OK, but once the
> burning was finished, I noted the out-of synch problem.  What has
> happened and how can I
>      check whether it was Toast that caused the out-of-synch problem
> ie. is there any way I can view the Compressor converted files prior
> to burning in Toast 7?
>      I can't see where I can preview in Toast, but seem to remember
> being able to do so in earlier versions.
> Should I be using another preference in Compressor to encode my FCP
> movies ready for DVD burning?
> How could I have got the Compressor files into iDVD '06.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Ian Tucker, Adelaide SA

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