[MacDV] DVD probs

Wilhelm Wanders kaskudoo at gmx.de
Thu Mar 9 11:52:45 PST 2006

the hd part shouldn't be any problem at all for you, as this only  
adds more functionality to the program.
the only thing that comes to mind ...
- try encoding the dvd with quicktime - you will have to export it  
not to a qt movie, but to mpeg-2 (you will need the mpeg-2 encoder  
for that, costs a couple of bucks). i recommend this, because you can  
define the bitrate for the video stream - your video player might  
choke on that. a too high bitrate makes it too hard for it to  
playback. if you don't wanna spend the money for the codec, then see  
if you can adjust the bitrate settings in iDVD.

you can always make sure if the dvd plays correctly, if you try to  
play it back via the dvd player app in your mac. if it doesn't play  
there, it might be the encoding ... if it plays it fine, then you  
might wanna try a different dvd player.
the lenghts of the overall movie shouldn't be a problem either, since  
i have made dvds with just 3 minute lenghts ...

i hope this helps


On Mar 9, 2006, at 1:39 PM, Robert & Susan Lloyd wrote:

> I'm feeling singularly stupid.  I cannot seem to make a DVD from  
> FCE HD.  It's a fifteen minute movie made with non-HD tape from a  
> non-HD camcorder on a G4 Dual, Pioneer 105 disc burner.  I have  
> exported to Quicktime movie (choosing audio and video), selected  
> Make Movie Self-contained.  This produces a file called a Final Cut  
> Express movie file.   I have imported that file into iDVD, burned  
> the DVD, and when I put the resulting disc into my commercial dvd  
> player, it tells me the disc is defective, or dirty, and just won't  
> play.  I've increased the length of the movie to 35 minutes (adding  
> slugs) because I have a memory that a too short movie won't make a  
> dvd, but this has made no difference.  I have exported the movie  
> using Quicktime Conversion to make a Quicktime movie (.mov), with  
> the same result.  Any suggestions?  The fun has gone out of making  
> coasters.
> Is there something about the HD part of the program that is messing  
> me up?  I got FCE HD thinking I might get into HD down the road.
> tia.
> BobLL
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