You want to OPEN the LaCie Drive case - unless you can return it for a refund -, remove the 3.5" HD from the inside, go to Comp-USA or Fry's or wherever you buy computer accessories in your area at low prices and buy a FW400 case for about $40-$50, put the drive in there, close it up, hook it to your eMac's spare FW port and fire it up. Then you can choose it as the scratch drive. That's your cheapest solution. Oh and don't buy any more LaCie Drives. You can do it yourself for way less. I can make a 300 GB external FW400 drive for $99 all the time. -- Taylor Barcroft New Media Publisher, Editor, Video Journalist, Podcaster, Futurecaster Santa Cruz CA, Beach of the Silicon Valley URL RSS iTunes barcroft (gizmo) kungax (Skype) kungag5 (iChat-AIM) On Mar 9, 2006, at 7:33 PM, <ptm at> wrote: > I've no idea what USB1 and USB2 are. The eMac is fairly new > and has 2 firewire inputs, one is connected to the Sony VX100. > I'm thinking that the La Cie drive I got was so inexpensive > because it does not have a fire wire out? Does this mean I > need a drive with firewire capability and that will clear > things up? If so, can some folks recommend some places to get > one, I'm a grad student and have a very limited budget.