[MacDV] choosing a digital Camera

Richard Meyeroff rem at meyeroff-c-c.com
Fri May 26 08:50:40 PDT 2006

I am in the market for a digital camers that must serve 2 masters

master 1 My wife

small compact easy to use

Master 2 Me

lookng for at least 5 Mega pixils
Min 6X zoom Prefer 10X zoom
widest field of view approx. 35 mm in 35 mm equivilant would prfer wider
lag time between shots a short as possible (like to shoot at the 
beach wave action and birds etc.)
fairly large and fast storage
replaceable batteries (like not to be able to shoot & shoot & shoot) 
I have a Canon FTB with 5 lenses ranging from 17mm to 200mm

The one camera that seems to come closes to serving both master is 
the Nikon S4.  Please feel free to disagree and make other suggestions

If you want to contact me off line please do
Have a Happy & Enjoy

Richard Meyeroff
Meyeroff Computer Consultants tel: 410-258-7503
rem at meyeroff-c-c.com

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