Rich, I think you've lost me. If I'm understanding you correctly, and it's possible I'm not, you're saying I should figure out what part of my image I want to zoom into first. Then I set that part, when at maximum zoom, to the proper pixel count. From there I calculate how many pixels my un-zoomed image has to be? I still don't know how many pixels my image should be, zoomed or not. What is PhotoToMovie? is it a plugin for some app or is it a standalone application? Mark Des Cotes Systems Manager/Graphic Designer Astro Printing Service (Cornwall) Ltd. 3308 Second Street East Cornwall Ontario Canada K6H 6J8 T (613) 932-9281 Ext 106, F (613) 932-1052 On 6-Nov-06, at 10:25 AM, rgb at wrote: > The easiest thing to do is to find what the smallest part of one of > your > images that you'll want to see full screen and that'll dictate how > many > pixels you'll need for that portion. Then simply use that to figure > out > how big the original needs to be to have that many pixels in the > sub-picture. Make all of your originals that size and then use > something > like PhotoToMovie to do your panning and zooming and the rest > should be > taken care of for you. > > Rich