[MacDV] Mini Camcorder

Mike Rehbein rotorwash at mac.com
Sun Feb 25 19:57:19 PST 2007

I don't know how helpful this would be but saw a few links which may  
help you in your decision.

If it serves your needs, then it's fine of course.

I'd be realistic about the image quality. From what I've read about  
it, it seems that it would appear to be an OK picture when viewed on  
a TV.
And OK on a computer monitor if viewed in a small window (not full  

A video sample is found at this link.

TV does not require very much in the way of image quality so that's  
why it can look fine on a TV. While computer monitors show much more  
detail and so what looks OK on a TV can look really grainy on a  
computer monitor.

If the file being played has lots and lots of detail, the TV can only  
show some of it (TV's limited ability to show detail) and the same  
file shown on a computer monitor can look much better than it did on  
the TV and can be shown full screen.

It is a good question you've asked, we can supply some additional  
information but....
It is really up to you if the output from the camcorder is sufficient  
to meet your needs at this time.

Mike :)

On Feb 25, 2007, at 3:49 PM, CAM wrote:

> Dear Listserver,
> Does anyone have any experience with the video camera: Pure Digital
> Point and shoot. See link below.
> -- 
> Cam
> http://zotte
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