[MacDV] Making Chapters in video

Michael Winter winter at mac.com
Tue Jan 16 07:05:20 PST 2007

On Jan 15, 2007, at 4:09 PM, TjL wrote:

> Can iDVD deal with MPEG2 natively?  If not is there some way to trick
> it into doing so?  I thought I remembered that it can't but read
> somewhere about a way to massage it... but I haven't used iDVD for so
> long I didn't save the article.

Coming in late...

I can't remember if iDVD does or not. Using iMovie you end up taking  
a quality hit going from mpeg2->DV (in iMovie)->mpeg2. Two other  
options that don't do that are 1) Toast Titanium will put chapter  
markers at set intervals (say every 10 minutes). Or 2) Sizzle  
(freeware, check your favorite software site). I've never been able  
to make anything that looks remotely as good as iDVD with these  
tools, but they do put in chapter markers.


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