[MacDV] Alpha Channels and Flash Encoders

Steve Robertson stever at mindspring.com
Tue May 8 09:48:53 PDT 2007

Hi guys -

I tried to ask a question a few days ago, but it seems to have  
vanished in the ether. I'll try again while messages to this list are  

The latest versions of Flash video encoders (ones using the ON2 VP6  
codec) are supposed to preserve any alpha channel info and produce a  
transparent background in the Flash video. My miserly ways argue  
against buying Adobe Flash CS3 just to get its Flash video encoder,  
so I've been exploring options. Actually bought a copy of Sorenson  
Squeeze for Flash, which advertises support for preserving the alpha  
channel. Also downloaded the demo version of Flix Pro from ON2  

But when I export video clips from Final Cut Express HD 3.0 - using  
export options that are supposed to preserve alpha channel info -  
they do not produce the desired transparent background in the  
resulting Flash video clip. The Final Cut manual says use  
"uncompressed" as the format when exporting using Quicktime  
conversion. I've also been told that exporting using Animation,  
millions of colors + should preserve the alpha channel data. Neither  
of these work with the Flash video encoders to preserve the alpha  

Have any of you succeeded in producing Flash video clips with  
transparent backgrounds using an all Mac solution?

The Windows version of After Effects will export directly to Flash  
and preserve the alpha channel data. Does anyone know whether the Mac  
version works the same?

Steve R.

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