[MacDV] Re: DVD STUDIO PRO - Video Bit Rate

sb videovideo at mac.com
Fri May 11 10:44:40 PDT 2007

Use Compressor for this.



On May 11, 2007, at 6:15 AM, carlian wrote:

> I have a project ready to format and build in DVD Studio Pro 4.1.2  
> which comprises 5 short films   totaling  4.0 Gbs.    I have run it  
> through Simulator and things look fine.   However, when building it  
> I get past the menu stage, but then as it starts to mux the first  
> film it stops and advises me that the Video Bit Rate is too high.
> I have preferences set to MPEG - 2 SD;  16:9 ;  Field Order : Auto;  
> Two Pass VBR; Bit Rate : 2.2 Mbps; Maximum Bit Rate : 6 Mbps and  
> Motion Estimation : Best.   I started the Bit Rate at 7.00 Mbps as  
> advised previously and I am down to as low as I can now go.   I  
> edited the films in Final Cut Pro HD, but exported them as Quick  
> Time movies (DV PAL Anamorphic) The films' total was originally 129  
> minutes long (one 14.5 minute film alone amounted to 3.6 Gbs.)   By  
> exporting as SD I can then play the resulting DVD on our DVD  
> player.  My intention is to export the HD films in FCP back to the  
> camera and store them on DV tapes
> until such time as Blue Ray burners and media come down in price.
> I seem to remember running into this VBR problem before and I  
> finally gave up and formulated the project in iDVD.
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Ian Tucker

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