[MacDV] iMovie 6 - Transitions

Raymond Rogoway rogoway at infionline.net
Tue Nov 6 12:12:11 PST 2007

If your Intel Mac is a new acquisition then that may be the problem.  
We were using Slick effects and when we switched over to an Intel Mac  
they seemed to disappear. I contacted Slick and they have a new set of  
plug-ins that are universal.

Ray Rogoway
rogoway at infionline.net

On Nov 6, 2007, at 11:32 AM, Donald Tully wrote:

> Hi Listers - I have been using iMovie HD 6.0.3 quite successfully  
> for a long time.  Suddenly, in the middle of building a slide  
> program, I am unable to add transitions.  I am getting a quite  
> useless error message that states "An unknown error has occurred"  
> each time I try to add a transition - either an original Apple or  
> aftermarket type.  I tried creating a new project with different  
> photos and had the same problem. I also tried rebuilding the iMovie  
> preference file several times but that didn't resolve the issue.
> Any suggestions?  BTW, I am running an Intel Mac 10.4.10.  Thanks  
> for your help...
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