[MacDV] New version of iMovie

Mark Walker mark at scip.org.uk
Wed Jun 18 23:47:15 PDT 2008

Having used iMovie since v2 I *really* miss a couple of feature ie reverse
film and extract audio

Other bits and bobs are annoying or implemented differently but these two
seem non-existent and were an integral part of a lot of the projects I

is it a scam to get us to upgrade to FCE?


2008/6/19 Dennis A. Amith <nt2099 at sbcglobal.net>:

> I've used it for basic things on my newer iMac but truthfully, whenever I
> need to use my slick effects...I go back to my other older Mac for iMovie 4.
>  Haven't used the newer iMovie in full yet.
> - daa
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Mark Walker
Project Manager and South East Regional ICT Champion

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