[MacDV] DVD Burning on a Network

Gordon Alley gordon at gordonalley.com
Mon Mar 3 06:59:07 PST 2008

Run iDVD on the MacBook. Instead of burning a DVD, tell it to save an image
of the DVD. Copy that image file to a Mac that has a DVD burner, and use
Disk Utility to burn it.
I have burners on both my MacBook and my old iMac. Recently I had to burn a
large quantity of DVDs. Because my MacBook is faster, I used iMovie and iDVD
on that Mac. Then I had iDVD save the DVD as an image file. I copied that
file to my iMac. Then I used Disk Utility on both Macs to burn DVDs on both
Macs concurrently. Worked just fine.


On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 7:46 AM, Steve Robertson <stever at mindspring.com>

> Hi Folks,
> It has been a couple of years since I needed to burn a DVD. A current
> video project is destined for DVD. I set up my MacBook as a portable
> editing station, edited the video in FCE, then discovered that my low
> end MacBook does not burn DVDs!
> I have two older Macs with SuperDrives, and all three are networked
> together. In the past, if I recall correctly, I would create a
> "reference movie" in FCE, then drag this into my iDVD project. I'm
> afraid that if I move a reference movie to another Mac, all the links
> to the clips will be broken.
> So what's the best way to move the DVD project to a different Mac for
> DVD burning? I do have a copy of Toast 6 that I've never used, if
> that helps.
> Thanks,
> Steve R.
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Gordon B. Alley
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