[MacDV] short question . . .

Mike Rehbein rotorwash at mac.com
Tue May 13 14:18:41 PDT 2008

It is unlikely he would want to purchase the hardware for a one time  
You have a wonderful multi-project solution :)

The software solutions are easy too.
I sent him how to do it in a direct email.
The list does not allow messages over 5K.


On May 13, 2008, at 4:11 PM, Patty Winter wrote:

> Are you folks recommending software because that's the
> way one would grab video from a DVD that's playing on
> the Mac's own optical drive? Because I'm wondering
> whether a hardware solution might be easier. I've
> captured video from DVDs directly into iMovie by
> going from a DVD player to a Canopus A/D converter
> to my Mac.
> Patty

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