[MacDV] Creating DVD slideshow

Tim Selander selander at tkf.att.ne.jp
Fri May 16 18:31:25 PDT 2008

I concur that iPhoto would be the easier, quicker way to go.

But, having done a few of these, my advice is DO NOT use all 250 
pics. Nobody wants to sit down and look at that many pictures in 
a row. Except the couple, and then maybe once. Think the 
traditional wedding album -- pick your best shots that tell the 
story and go with those. Three to four minutes, tops. The brides' 
friends and family will thank you.

Put all the shots up on a Flickr site, or some such, for the 
couple to look at non-linearly, at their leisure.

Tim Selander
Tokyo, Japan

Brian Olesky wrote:
> I need to create a slideshow on DVD for a friend's wedding.
> Is my best bet to import all 250 slides from iPhoto (plus the music) into
> iMovie '08, build it in iMovie, then export to iDVD and burn the DVD from
> there? 
> I've used older version of iMovie, but not the latest, which I now have.
> Or is there a better way? Such as building it in iPhoto, then importing it
> as a finished product in some form into iMovie, then iDVD?
> Any other hints or tips?
> Thanks,
> Brian

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