[MacDV] Working with native MTS files in FCP v6

Conlon Brett brettnlis at bigpond.com
Mon Dec 5 15:19:50 PST 2011

Thanks sb & James,

In Log & Transfer, under the cog drop-down menu (top right of main window), is "Preferences...". It gives me two source formats: P2 Plugin and AVCHD Plugin. I left the P2 Plugin alone. For the AVCHD video option, it was set to Apple ProRes 442. The only other alternative I have to select there is Apple Intermediate Codec. I tried that and the 94MB file I tested became 657MB after importing - when using ProRes 442 it was 976MB. Even that's a better result, but not by much. Unfortunately I don't have Proxy or ProRes IT. I don't know what the difference is between AIC and ProRes so I hesitate to change it to AIC just for the small savings.

The 30 day demo sounds like a plan - downloading it now! That'll let me know if I can work with the MTS files native or not. Now I've just got to see if there's an upgrade option to minimise the cost... though it's not looking good....

Thanks for the audio suggestions James. When I import the MTS files thru FCP the audio is AOK (1 stereo track), probably due to the fact that the Import Settings was already set to mix the tracks down to stereo. The multiple audio tracks problem only happens when I import the native MTS file or the Clipwrap converted file... then the 6 audio tracks get laid down.



On 06/12/2011, at 3:54 AM, sb wrote:

In the log and transfer window change the action preferences from pro res to pro res lt or proxy.
Look for the little gear popup.

You should be able to download a fully functional 30 day trial version of FCPX from the App store.  
The Suite software is gone. FCPX, Compressor, Motion are all separate apps. 



Some airport, somewhere......

On Dec 5, 2011, at 8:36 AM, James Asherman <jimash at optonline.net> wrote:

I am also getting used to this.
Once you have a list in the log and transfer window and highlighted you can use Import settings panel to get rid of the extra tracks.
You can also link the first two stereo tracks to make them more easily adjustable.
Mine imports as DVCPROHD, so there must be a spot to choose this but I am not quite finding it.

On Dec 5, 2011, at 8:53 AM, Conlon Brett wrote:

Hi all,

For the first time, I'm now working with the video files I've been capturing on my Panasonic HD camera and I'm being challenged, trying to work natively with the MTS in FCP v6. I've had the HD camera for a while now but I have been working on editing my old DV tape footage trying to catch up to the present...

From the HD camera, I can do a Log & Transfer from in FCP but the resulting files are HUGE compared with the original MTS files, eg. a 91MB file becomes around 850MB - OUCH! I believe FCP is converting the file to Apple ProRes (about 1GB a minute or 60GB/hr).

Panasonic kindly released a plugin (AVCCAM Importer v1.1) for QuickTime7, a month or so ago, to work natively with their MTS files on a Mac but apparently it requires at least FCP v7. I downloaded the extension and installed it anyway (just in case) and while QT7 does play the file rather cleanly, when I import the MTS files into my FCP v6 it takes a very long time to assess the files, then when I place them into a timeline it drops in 6 mono audio tracks and the video requires rendering - pointless really.

I did get excited at one stage when I found a utility called Clipwrap, which very quickly re-wraps the MTS into a QT .mov format at only a fraction of an increase (91MB to 138MB) but it imports into my FCP the same way as the raw MTS files so no benefits there.

Any of the other video converter utilities I tried in demo mode seemed to re-encode the file and essentially do the same thing as what FCP does during Log & Transfer.

So, I'm standing at an awkward place not knowing which way to go.

1) Do I have enough hard drive space to just use FCP to convert all my files to ProRes - at least I save a buck...
2) Is there a free/cheap converter utility I haven't stumbled across yet which will do the exact job I'm after???
3) Do I need to shell out to get the upgrade to FCPro X (I don't think I can upgrade to v7 anymore anyway) which I believe may work with MTS files natively but that'll cost me AUD$320 just for FCP - DOUBLE OUCH! Can anyone confirm if it does??? Surely I'd also need to also upgrade my Compressor app (another AU$50), right?

Many thanks!!!


ps. Did Apple do away with the Studio package? When I try do search for FCP Studio there's NOTHING, just individual softwares for FCP vX and components on offer.

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