[MG] good optical mouse? (Was: good 2-button mouse?)

Gregory Davis grgdavis at swbell.net
Tue Dec 17 17:39:36 PST 2002


Other than the size what do you think of the wireless optical mouse as
compared to the one you mention for gaming.


Greg Davis

on 12/17/02 8:57 AM, Marc van Gemert at listz at xs4all.nl wrote:

> Jacob K wrote:
>> I think that mouse is called the Razor.
> It's called the Razor Boomslang. I wanted to buy that one until I found
> out that the M$ Intellimouse Explorer (optical, but not wireless) is
> even faster (IIRC 3000 dpi), and I must admit, it is a very good gaming
> mouse. It fits perfectly in my small hands. And besides the two regular
> buttons and the scroll wheel it also has two extra buttons which
> function as the back and forth buttons in your browser (and in UT the
> thumb button works as the change weapon button). Our main sysop
> department has this mouse laying around for every Mac user here who
> wants more than a one-button mouse. This mouse is in use @ five
> different Macs @ our department @ the moment including me. I have the
> same mouse @ home (the grey special edition), I also have the same, but
> then wireless and optical one @ home, but it is a bit too big.
> BTW not affiliated w/ M$......
> my 2 cents...
> Marc
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Gregory Davis
President, iConsult LLC
#4 Willow Oak Cove
Maumelle, AR 72113
Ebay I.D. - iConsult1
iconsult1 at swbell.net

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