Eric B wrote: > I've read on some sites that Mac OS 9.2.2 doesn't support Voodoo3 cards. > Does anyone know of a hack around this? Thanks Yeah heard that too when I had a Voodoo 3, for that cause I kept version 1.2.1 of the OpenGLEngine, the rest was a higher version. IIRC I also tried the OpenGL from 9.2.2 and IIRC I had no problems at all. The problems you would encounter from what I heard was that you would see some lines on the screen while gaming, it wouldn't cause the game to quit. Most be something else goin' on. BTW the best drivers for the Voodoo 3 card are IMHO the beta 13 drivers. Also good are the 1.1.2 drivers for the Voodoo 5 card which also work with the Voodoo 3. If you reinstall the drivers make sure you trash the 3dfx extensions aswell as the 3dfx prefs or something like that. HTH, Marc * *