I have been running Yamaha Studio Manager Version 2 to control a PM5D console for several months side by side with Studio manager version one to talk to a DM1000 mixer. Upon foolishly installing the " Apple security update " without waiting for the dust to settle last week I now find that Studio Manager 2 will not launch at all while Studio Manager 1 still works fine. The Yamaha USB/MIDI driver still recognizes the presence or absence of the console but the app never gets past the icon expanding when double clicked. Worse yet now even the installer will not launch - it throws up a dialog box about a script that can't be run. The MacFixit website had some notes about MIDI in Logic Pro being affected by this update as well but no solutions. Has anyone encountered this ? -- E. Riley Casey Silver Spring MD 301-608-2180 ph 301-608-0789 fx 301-440-2923 shoe phone Entertainment Sound Production ( http://www.ESPsound.com )