[MacUSB] Re: USB software upgrades for beige G3/233

Barry Twycross barry at netbox.com
Tue Jan 7 22:23:07 PST 2003

At 10:09 PM -0800 1/7/03, Eugene Gierson wrote:

>Maybe you need USB 1.4.1 from apple.
>1.4.1 is needed for 8.6,
>but I thought that OS 9 has the
>USB software "built in".
>Someone will know for sure.

It doesn't seem to get installed on non USB machines, unless its 
already been installed.

I don't know for sure, I've had confusing results.

Installing it would be a good start if its not there already.
Barry at netbox.com                       <http://www.netbox.com/barry>

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