[MV] Transcription from a Device

T. Patrick Henebry tphenebry at comcast.net
Thu Dec 26 18:21:55 PST 2002

>9. Launch your speech recognition software (if it is not already 
>running) and create a new profile. You can call it something like 


There are a few problems with this in ViaVoice because of how it 
handles profiles.   basically you may need to KEEP the profile rather 
than trash it and CREATE A 2nd VOICE MODEL instead.

ViaVoice handles users a bit differently under OS X.


While using iListen you would normally create a separate user for 
each different type of microphone you use with the software, when 
using the ViaVoice what you do is create one single user with 
separate voice models for each microphone (these voice models are 
contained within that single user).

While I have not quoted at your entire message for brevity sake, if I 
understand your instructions correctly I would actually want to have 
a single ViaVoice user with a separate voice model for the digital 

In fact, you cannot create separate users with the IBM software while 
still logged into the Macintosh as the same computer user. Under 
macros 10 you must log into the computer a different individual in 
order to year create or use different "users" under ViaVoice.

In case I am not making this clear let me illustrate what I am 
talking about by using the example of a single individual who uses 
ViaVoice with two different microphones.

Let's say we have a Macintosh user who logs into the Macintosh under 
the name of Joe and creates a ViaVoice user for use with his first 
microphone. He cannot create another user for the second microphone 
without first logging out of the Macintosh and logging back in as 
someone else (for simplicity sake we will call this someone else 

Once he has successfully logged in as John he can create another user 
for use with the second microphone. But he can only access this user 
while logged in under this second name. By contrast if Joe were to 
create a second voice model within his current speech recognition 
user he would not have to log out of the Macintosh and log back in as 
someone else in order to use this second microphone.

If I am reading your instructions correctly the user titled 
"Transcription" is essentially a second user for use with a different 
type of microphone. This is doubly true since digital recorders 
normally record at approximately 11 kilohertz whereas normal audio 
recording for speech recognition is approximately 22 kilohertz. I 
would strongly recommend under ViaVoice that a user instead create a 
second voice model within their current ViaVoice user in addition to 
the models they have for their regular microphone. The procedure you 
outline for both connecting the recorder and reading the text does 
make this possible because the recorder is treated as another 

In case you're curious I have already done something similar myself 
since I do have two different headsets that I use. This way when 
using ViaVoice for Mac OS 10 I do not have to log out of the 
Macintosh and back in again as a different individual when I switch 
headsets. (With iListen I have created a separate users, one for each 
microphone; but only with iListen.)
T. Patrick Henebry

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