[MV] Re: IBM's ViaVoice on Macintosh OS X and Windows XP

Frank Flynn frank at declan.com
Mon Dec 1 15:47:06 PST 2003

On 12/1/03 3:15 PM, "Camner" <camner at iname.com> wrote:

> I wonder what I'm
> doing wrong to have those stability problems?

Yes let's blame the victim :-)

You might try flushing the temp files - quit VV then in your home directory
there is a folder "ViaVoice" - in that folder there is a folder "temp" move
all of those items into the trash.  If you're nervous about this don't empty
it right away.

Start VV and see if it's behaving any better.  It has worked for me in the

Good Luck,

Frank Flynn
Poet, Artist & Mystic

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