[MV] Re: taking the plunge (2)

Jonathan Greene jonathan.greene at eurorscg.com
Sat Feb 1 15:12:36 PST 2003

I was successful in removing all VV files manually and done a new clean 
install.  My problem at the moment is getting my system to work with 
the mic.  I can't get past the set-up.  When it checks the room, I can 
see the meter move and same when I try to read that first test 
sentence....  I keep getting the mic not connected bs, and can't figure 
out why.

TiBook 500
768 MB RAM
OS X 10.2.3
ready to install the update to VV, but need to pass the setup first.

I am currently operating with one hand, post=surgery so any help or 
insight would be appreciated as this note took some time with my left 

On Tuesday, January 21, 2003, at 05:55 PM, T. Patrick Henebry wrote:

>> Thanks...  was trying to avoid that, but I guess I will have some 
>> time to work it all out.
> One thing to keep in mind.  The uninstaller *does not* remove all the 
> files.  After running the uninstaller you need to do a Find searching 
> for files with ibm in the name, delete those files/folders then do 
> this again searching for viavoice (it does not have to be case 
> sensitive).
> -- 

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