You shouldn't reply to digests without changing the Subject field

Pete Dako petedako at
Fri Feb 7 13:24:34 PST 2003

>Of the three, PlainTalk actually comes the closest to what you want -
>but even with it, the command must still be created before it can be
>used. I don't think that is going to change any time soon.

actually if you enable Speakable Items and Universal Access in Jaguar 
(10.2.3) you can say the name of just about any menu, window, button 
in a command and do an awful lot before you have to write any apple 
scripts whatsoever.

To experiment with this open Speakable Items and say "Show Me What To 
Say" and/or open the Commands window which lists available voice 

Be forewarned that there is a wee bug currently when using the 
combination of all 5 Universal Access options together with speakable 
items--specifically with "Front Windows" option enabled,   the Finder 
windows won't stay open, but so long as one knows that you can toogle 
the feature on/off... and if you are not  in the Finder ...say you 
are websurfing in Safari you can just say the name of a menubar 
bookmark to have safari switch to that page (for example)

also before writing apple scripts you can add voice commands for 
command key actions -- say MAKE THIS APPLICATION SPEAKABLE and then 
in the application say DEFINE KEYBOARD COMMAND

re: Apple Script foriTunes posted in last digest

tell application "iTunes" to pause

just pauses iTunes

tell application "iTunes" to playpause

will toggle playing  on and off


Chuck, or Donald  or anyone...what is the status of "iDictate" please?
Recent Mac-Speech Digests led me to believe there was a (free?) 
dictation-only product  from MacSpeech is that correct? No mention of 
it at the MacSpeech website...

thank you PETE

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