[MV] Re: PC Immulators for VV

T. Patrick Henebry tphenebry at comcast.net
Fri Feb 14 12:04:24 PST 2003

>  But unless you need hands-free control of your computer, the Mac 
>voice recognition software will work just fine and save you from the 
>horrors of the PC.  :-)

Well there *are* other aspects of both ViaVoice Pro for Windows and 
various versions of NaturallySpeaking that are superior to *anything* 
currently shipping on the Mac.  I don't need a completely hands-free 
system but I do need speech recognition due to a disability which 
among other things effects my hands.  If I had to produce large 
amounts of text daily I'd still go with a PC over a Mac.  This goes 
double if I were a professional writer of some sort.  What is 
available on the Mac is not quite there yet and is only suitable for 
low to moderate needs.  I say this having used NaturallySpeaking And 
ViaVoice Pro for years, ViaVoice for Mac OS X almost a year, and 
iListen 1.5.x for many months.

Do I like my Mac? Yes.  Do I think Mac OS X is better than Windows? 
Yes, *in some areas*.  Is Windows based speech recognition software 
unquestionably better than what is currently available on the Mac? 
Most definitely.  Will the Mac catch up?  Maybe, but I'm not positive 
simply because developers have a greater return on investment in 
other markets for speech recognition.  I'll stop there since this is 
a list for Mac based speech recognition.
T. Patrick Henebry

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